Sunday, 4 October 2015

Nature, in the broad sense, is equivalent to the natural world, physical universe, material world, or material universe. Nature refers to the phenomenon of the physical world and also to life in general; even various types of living plants and animals are incorporated. The term does not include manufactured objects and human interactions unless qualified in ways, for example, Human nature. It is generally distinguished by the supernatural. It is often taken to mean the natural environment or wild animals, rocks, forest, beaches and those objects which are not substantially altered by human intervention.

Br. Godfrey

Stigmata of St. Francis of Assisi 

It is the month of august 1224 and Francis is frail and sick through various journey and mortification.  The feast of St Michael on 29th September was approaching. Francis was accustomed to spend 40 days of prayer and fasting in preparation for the feast of the archangel. That year he decided to spend 40 days lent on mount La Verna.

 Once in the solitary confines of la Verna, night and day he kept his eyes on fixed on the passion of Christ. As he meditated on the passion of Christ, he reminisced about his own sinful past.
Br .Godfrey

Environmental Issues in India

            The Environmental issues in India are huge. Whether it's the rapidly dropping water tables, mass deforestation, land degradation or river contamination, India has it all and on a massive scale. Below you can find information on all of India's most serious environmental problems.
Water pollution:
Perhaps the largest of the environmental issues in India facing the people of India is inadequate or lack of access to vital fresh water resources. The companies accused of causing huge droughts and contamination to a massive area by exploiting an excessive amount of ground water and then replacing it with toxic discharge. Of course, Coca Cola is a big famous company and that is why this came to news but I have no doubt that there are a million examples of similar things happening all over India.
            The rivers are on the front line of pollution in India. Millions of people depend on them for their livelihoods but they are slowly being polluted and destroyed by sewage, chemicals and other agricultural and industrial waste.


The story of deforestation is another of the highly serious environmental issues in India. Most of it being chopped down for housing, industrialisation and river projects. It is estimated that the number of Mangrove Forests have more than halved in the last 20 years.

Air Pollution:

India now has one of the worst qualities of air in the world. Without a doubt the main contributor of air pollution in India is the transport system. In the big cities like Delhi and Mumbai, millions of old and very dirty diesel engines churn out millions of turns more sulphur than their western equivalents partly because of being old and partly because of the diesel.

Plastics and Other Waste:

             Plastic isn't in any urgency to degrade but the people of India don't seem to recognize this as they throw every unwanted item onto the floor wherever they are. Of course, the victims of these environmental issues in India are the future generations and the animals. On A brighter note, solar power in India is going through a boom along with several other eco friendly power sources.

                                                     Br. Godfrey Cap.
News from the Ashramites

Fraternal greetings to all the readers of Bonavani and join with us as we share all the latest happenings from Capuchin Ashram, Nashik
New Year, New Start
The new academic year saw fresh faces arriving in our community, where we welcomed 5 new brothers. Fr. Rakesh, the Rector along with the community members welcomed the brothers in their midst and made them comfortable with the new settings.
Get, Set, Go…..
Fr. Joseph D’souza, Provincial inaugurated the new academic year 2015-16, on 12th June with the Eucharistic celebration in the evening. The following day we had a formal inauguration in Divyadaan (Salesian Institute of Philosophy) where the inaugural talk was delivered by Fr. Maria Anthuvan, SDB on ‘Meaning of Culture according to Bernard Lonergan’.      
And the Lord gave us more Brothers!!!
We had unexpected addition to our community in form 5 aspirant brothers who joined our community to complete their PUC studies. The community gladly welcomed the new members with open arms and wishes them a pleasant stay here at Nashik.
Adieus Brothers
As our family here at Nashik grew bigger and bigger, sadly we also had to bid adieu to some members. Fr. Wilson Gaikwad left for Shelti in June, so did Fr. VIshal, The Asst. Rector, who left for Nagar in July, to pursue his studies in MSW (Masters in Social Work). Fr. Rector appreciated the contribution made by both the members and how they would be sorely missed.
Br. Ashish, the aspirant left the community in August, to complete his studies back home in Daman. Thus the community now stands at 18 members including Fr. Rector.
Sister Sickness comes calling…….
Br. Jesu one of the Aspirant brothers was taken ill with stomach infection and had to be admitted in Hospital. The community prayed for his quick recovery, by Gods grace he was discharged within 5 days and has now recovered fully.

Ad Multos Annos Fr. Rector
Come August 01 and our community had double reason to celebrate as it was Fr. Rakesh’s birthday and Community Day. To add to our joy Fr. Vishal and Fr. Godfrey Dinis from Nagar and Fr. Rakesh’s relatives from Mumbai joined the celebrations. The day started on a High with the Eucharistic celebration, where Fr. Vishal spoke highly of Fr. Rector’s qualities, his simplicity and juggling various responsibilities single handedly. Also he pointed the importance of community life and individual responsibilities towards making it a success.
The day saw steady stream of visitors from the neighboring communities who came to wish Father. In the evening, the brothers hosted a cultural programme in honor of Fr. Rector and thus signed-off the day on high.
Feast of Assumption!!!!
15th August marked the twin occasion of India’s Independence and Solemnity of Assumption of Our Lady. The local Don Bosco parish organized the annual cultural event called ‘The Academy’, where the neighboring communities had to present any act based on Marian theme. The brothers from Capuchin Ashram presented a Lyrical and Contemporary dance act highlighting the ills faced by women in the Indian society. The dance was a rousing success and well appreciated by all.
The Shepherd Cometh Calling!!!
 Fr. Joseph D’souza along with Fr. Sandip Koshav the Provincial Secretary came for his canonical visit from 2-3 September, 2015. Fr. Provincial conducted a stirring prayer service based on the latest encyclical by Pope Francis, ‘Laudato Si’ and reminded us of our Franciscan calling. Later in the evening, he addressed the community, where he stressed on the importance of scholastic studies and urged the brothers to concentrate on the same. On the other hand he also reminded us of our individual responsibilities towards the community and personal growth in our Franciscan charism.
The next day Fr. Provincial met the brothers personally and we concluded the visit with an Agapic meal in the evening. The community was glad and grateful towards.
Parting Notes

Thanks for sharing our joy and on parting note we wish all the readers of Bonavani a Happy Feast of our Father Francis!!!! 

Wednesday, 30 September 2015

Bethlehem to Calvary
Manger is your palace
Where you did not get correct balance
You came to give new life
To make us once again alive.

We don’t know how far your approaching
But it is sure, soon will be your coming.
We make our ways clear,
For you to come so near.

Your sacrifice was for our sins,
You taught us what is love means.
By your life you paid our bill
                                                But you by our sins every day we kill.             

We ask you our wills
By different deals
You accept us as a child
Find hard to understand your loving smile.
Br. Godfrey ofm Cap.

There are six letters,
Shows jealous and envious better.
Meijer for my grave you will feel,
But your own attitude will heal.

Towards you when happiness walks,
They always bring stumbling blocks.
To your life hater can bring the end,
In their least there will be your friend.

Haters cannot see your glory,
Because they don’t know what is your story.
Think what you have divine,
And every race of life you will win.

Watch out for haters,
But most of all don’t become a hater.
Because they are the one who makes you better.

Br. Godfrey ofm cap.
Human life
            Human life is problematic and mysterious and these two elements make life beautiful. Every moment of human person has got purpose that is to salve the problems and accept the mystery in the light of faith. He does it in his freedom, by choice that influences thoughts, feeling and actions. Value based person always chooses right means to solve the problems. He always reflects, identifies, clarifies, questions, evaluates, confirms all the means to live happy, productive and worth living life. Thus it reflects personal attitude, judgments, decisions, choices, behavior and relationships through this human life experiences and expresses Love to the people and things around it. Love makes other virtues and values spontaneous to flow.   

Br. Godfrey
Feast of Archangels
Today holy mother church celebrates a special feast in honor of the three Archangels named in the holy Bible; Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael.
Michael means who is like God. Gabriel means the strength of God. Raphael means God has helped. These Archangels, princes of angels are appointed by God in his service for the benefit of those who are to be served.
            As the archangels played their role in the history of salvation, so too must we play our role in the ongoing history of salvation. By our kindness, love and helpfulness we should become God’s angels, His messengers and His representatives to our fellow human being.

Br. Godfrey

Wednesday, 23 September 2015

The parts of the body are interconnected and dependent on each other. Similarly we the different parts of one community are interconnected and dependent on each other for certain things. So our attitude of dealing and behaving with each other should be good and becoming. Once eye said to heart feel less because you feel and I cry, heart replied you see less because you see and I cry. 
Br. Godfrey
Chastity in Religious Life
Sexuality is a crown of life. We are called to be man or human being we are not angels. Community and chest life goes hand in hand. Friendship and commitment goes hand in hand. Sex and spirituality goes hand in hand. These all should be connected properly. If you don’t cling to God you will cling somewhere else. We need to channelize our energy in correct way.  

Br. Godfrey.    
Unity in Community
 Community life comes from holy trinity. Father, son, and Holy Spirit are living witnesses of community life we religious are bound with the love if I have no love to brother he will be my other. We are not only a number in community but more than that we are member. It is not mere staying together but it is living together.  

Br. Godfrey.
Within each of us lives great spiritual strength what we have to do is to be awear of it. Prayer and personal effort will help us to be aware of our strength and will bring close to God to love him.
          One who gives up prayer no need of devil to put him in hail. when we are empowered by the holy spirit we are strengthen to pray.   

Br. Godfrey.
Mental attitude
A mental attitude is everything in life.
If I wait to be happy,
I will wait forever.
If I am happy now,
I will be happy forever.
We give the least importance of this most important aspect of our life that is how we think. Such is the power of thoughts. They are as real as a solid stone.

Br. Godfrey 
The most hearth full four letter word in interpersonal relation is love it is master key in getting along with people. The master of all man, Jesus taught us the necessity of love by pointing it out as one of the greatest commandments love your neighbors as yourself. True love must be expressed on both the vertical level, towards God and also the horizontal level, towards our fellowmen. Our capacity to love other is dependent on our attitude towards God and ourselves. If we willingly reject the God of love, if we refuse to accept ourselves as his unique creation, on what basis can we accept and love our neighbors?   

Br. Godfrey.
In the words of Benedict xvI: the highest vocation of every human person is to love. True love of God encompasses over all. We love those whom we know and don’t move beyond but the commandment of Jesus tells us to go beyond our limitation and thus love our neighbor as we love God. At times we have not love, genuinely to our fellow being. So let’s start.

Br. Godfrey.
Trust in God
     There is time when we need signs. But there is also a time when we need trust. For e.g. all parents know that a time comes when they must let go of a child’s hand and let walk on its own. If they don’t do child may never walk. Similarly also in our trust in God there comes a time when we must simply trust. Let us also ask question to our own self that why do we find it hard to trust God at times?
Br. Godfrey 
If we are convinced in our life we will not doubt at all anymore.
     Very often we are not convinced of what we do and specially the things which are pertaining to God. If we are convinced in our life, we will do things without any grudging but if we are not we will always have a doubt in whatever we do. So let’s introspect on our own life by asking a simple question to our own self. Am I convinced of my life in Jesus Christ?  
Br. Godfrey   

                         Parents of every race, religion, culture and nationality in all parts of the world are the primary caregivers and teachers of their children, preparing them for a happy, fulfilling and productive life. Parents are the anchors of the family and the foundation of our communities and societies. So dear parents for all your sacrifices and for all that you are! The four letter word LOVE we first experience in our family, in and through our parents, who are our source of support, our shelter of love. It is because of them that we open our eyes to the light of this world. Their kind hands lead us through every challenges posed to us by the world.

                                                                                                                 Br. Godfrey 
Happiness is a hidden treasury,
It’s related to smile.
Happiness is not misery,
It doesn’t know any mile.
Happiness is not something that you find,
It is something that you create.
The real happiness is in everyone.
For a child, in its mother’s womb and for a mother, in her child.
For a player, in his game and for a farmer, in his field.
For a social worker, in his work and for a king in his victories.
For an artiest in his art, and for a poet in his poem.
For a student in his success, and for a teacher, in his student’s love.
For a capuchin friar in his vows, and for a priest in his ministry.
In our lives we will be playing different roles at every moment of our lives thus whoever comes into our presence, must express true happiness in and through our words and deeds.
Happiness is the meaning and the purpose of life, the whole aim and end of human existence.
Br. Godfrey

Dear friends,     
If 5 seconds of smile can make a photograph beautiful, then just imagine if you keep smiling always how beautiful your life will be.
 If a candle can dispel the darkness, then just imagine the light which is there in us if we let it shine out the world will be wonderful place to live in.
If pinch of salt can bring the test to the food, then just imagine how much test we can add by our very nature that is loving and caring.
That is today’s liturgy invites us to do so and I think we religious do it. We become light for the others. We add test for the others lives.

If not let’s start…………………
                                                                                                                                  BR. Godfrey

Friday, 11 September 2015

Philosophy of life
Philosophy of knowledge:
            We get knowledge through sense experience. We sense the reality by our senses and the reality is carried to our mind by reasoning capacity and that leads to conclusion. But always senses cannot help us to acquire knowledge fully.  Human beings have a limited knowledge. He has the power to imagine, reflecting, comprehending or understanding and abstract etc. On account of finiteness we cannot grasp any knowledge completely.
Philosophy of God
            God is one but man has divided Him by his views based on revelation and own convictions. Revelation and conviction have given birth to new understanding of religion. Each individual perceives God differently. Therefore God’s existence is known through beliefs and religions created by humanity.  Now question rises in our mind that if God is one then why are many religions and revelations given to people? That is because, to brings unity in diversity. Theists speak of God’s existence. But what does an atheist assert concerning God. For an atheist God’s existence is trivial or insignificant. Over all human minds cannot fathom who exactly God is.
Philosophy of man
            Man is created by God in His image and likeness but not the copy of God. He is free but with certain responsibility which curtails his freedom. Though man is created happy and good, he wishes to become better and obtain happiness. Only to fulfill these two purposes, responsibility comes on his way and he becomes bad and unhappy. Man is a rational animal who possesses also self consciousness. He is a material being and a spiritual being.  

             Br. Godfrey 
n the 13th of June 2015 eight brothers renewed their religious vows at capuchin ashram in the hands of provincial Fr. Joseph D’souza OFM cap the Provincial of Maharashtra province.
On the 12th of June there was heavenly atmosphere everywhere in the Capuchin Ashram since brothers wear preparing for their renewal. With immense joy the day was dawn brothers wear ready to renew their promises to God. Fr. Provincial presided over the Eucharistic celebration, Fr. Rakesh, Fr. Vishal, Fr. Wilson cone celebrated the mass. The theme of the day was “RENEW US HOLY SPIRIT”. With melodious voices, brothers added new color to the event. Fr. Provincial in his homily brought out the connotation of the event. He brought to their notice the importance of the vows namely Poverty, Chastity, and Obedience. He concluded his homily by saying how religious are in the world but not of the world and that was really inspiring massage which became the summit of provincial’s homily
There after Fr.Provincial called brothers forward to renew their vows. According to the seniority brothers renew their vows in the hands of provincial minister. In testimony brothers signed the declaration form with their own hands in the presence of the witnesses, Fr Rakesh, Fr.Vishal witnessed this event.  Brothers declare that they have renewed their profession of their own sincere, free will, without any coercion or intimidation of any kind.
Thus after the procedure provincial blessed all the brothers to be faithful to the promises that they have made.  Moreover, the inspiring massage of provincial led brothers to fill with great enthusiasm to follow the promises.

Br. Godfrey Patil OFM cap