Friday, 11 September 2015

n the 13th of June 2015 eight brothers renewed their religious vows at capuchin ashram in the hands of provincial Fr. Joseph D’souza OFM cap the Provincial of Maharashtra province.
On the 12th of June there was heavenly atmosphere everywhere in the Capuchin Ashram since brothers wear preparing for their renewal. With immense joy the day was dawn brothers wear ready to renew their promises to God. Fr. Provincial presided over the Eucharistic celebration, Fr. Rakesh, Fr. Vishal, Fr. Wilson cone celebrated the mass. The theme of the day was “RENEW US HOLY SPIRIT”. With melodious voices, brothers added new color to the event. Fr. Provincial in his homily brought out the connotation of the event. He brought to their notice the importance of the vows namely Poverty, Chastity, and Obedience. He concluded his homily by saying how religious are in the world but not of the world and that was really inspiring massage which became the summit of provincial’s homily
There after Fr.Provincial called brothers forward to renew their vows. According to the seniority brothers renew their vows in the hands of provincial minister. In testimony brothers signed the declaration form with their own hands in the presence of the witnesses, Fr Rakesh, Fr.Vishal witnessed this event.  Brothers declare that they have renewed their profession of their own sincere, free will, without any coercion or intimidation of any kind.
Thus after the procedure provincial blessed all the brothers to be faithful to the promises that they have made.  Moreover, the inspiring massage of provincial led brothers to fill with great enthusiasm to follow the promises.

Br. Godfrey Patil OFM cap

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