Friday, 11 September 2015

The Movie Analysis
 An academic lesson or any subject matter that we learn, we discover it with particular point of view. But we don’t end it with same perspective rather we take different angels or outlooks. Video, movies, clips, self experiences, and at last the theoretical explanations are kinds of perspective through which we enter into the vastness of that particular lesson or subject matter. That is what we do concretely in this course called Franciscan Spirituality, as we draw on different skills to look at the course in its very vast realm. Movie that we have screened has tapped all the intrinsic dimensions of Franciscan spirituality. Thus it has helped us lot to know and to live the mysticism of Franciscan family, as a part of it to be the witnesses of God’s kingdom here in this planet and to keep alive the spirit of St. Francis of Assisi our seraphic father.
The content of the movie:
            It is said that “Every saint has his past and every sinner has his future” that is what movie culls out clearly through the life of St. Francis of Assisi. Movie contains the life story of St. Francis from early childhood till his sainthood and heavenly journey.  
The structure of the movie:
             The flashback technique is used to structure the events in the movie. The structure of the movie is configured into five successive focal components:
(1) The early childhood.           (2) The youthful epoch.             (3) The summit of conversion.                  (4) The Sainthood.                       (5) The heavenly journey.                  
The message of the movie:
The message of the movie is predominantly from the saintly or from the pious point of view that enriches us to live it to the full, as Franciscans. It teaches us how to win over the temptation, how to give importance to the word of God, and even intensely gives us the message to be aware of Franciscan traditions to live the life of poverty, simplicity and minority.
The realm of Franciscan spirituality from the movie:
Spirituality is a specific system or schema, virtues ideas, principles integrated and grounded by the particular founder.
Movie called Francisco has really plumbed the depths of the Franciscan spirituality. Thus it applauds and says that devotion to Christ is our aspiration. Eucharist is source and summit of our inspiration. Mother Mary is our mediator. Prayerfulness, simplicity, poverty and humility are hallmarks of our life. Life in community, brotherhood and love are the practical submission of our living. Joy and respect to the creation is our code as we call each creature as our brother and sister.
       Spirituality is not only studied and understood but it is lived reality. It is practical application and lines of action to live authentic life. The intrinsic dimensions of Franciscan spirituality are immense in excellence but precise to tag on. We can live it even today, by our own simple ways as we deal with our brothers, by making Christ as center of our life, by being attentive during holy Eucharist, by praying rosary and venerating Mother Mary, by making oneself accessible in needs of our brothers and of church at large, by being joyful in our trials and tribulation, by respecting and caring nature as our brother and sister, by such simple act we can keep alive the spirit of St Francis our father and make this course as remarkable one.     

        Br Godfrey

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